City Rail Link (CRL) is a 3.45km underground tunnel which aims to better connect Auckland’s city rail network. This project, due for completion in 2024, is believed to be the largest transport infrastructure project in New Zealand.
TROW Group was tasked with salvaging materials from deconstructed buildings in Mt Eden which had to be demolished to allow for the construction of the City Rail Link. Materials including cupboards, desks, shelving, tables, doors, benches, toilets, drawers, ceiling panels and carpet tiles were salvaged. These valuable resources filled up two containers and were shipped to aid the recovery of the Kingdom of Tonga.
TROW is the first sub-contractor to win a tender from the Link Alliance who are managing the demolition process, and supporting the delivery of the CRL’s stations and tunnels. TROW and Link Alliance are collectively focused on sustainability goals and avoiding waste and landfill.
Link Alliance’s Environment Sustainability Manager, Sarah Sutherland, said “The partnership with TROW enables us to not only prevent usable materials ending up in landfills, but it also allows us to re-use items that will be of real benefit for communities”.